Facility Care Janitorial and Commercial Cleaning Services has a long, excellent history of helping schools and educational facilities keep clean, healthy, and welcoming. Shining, sparkling surfaces are very welcoming indeed! We can customize our janitorial cleaning services to fit your building's needs.
Surfaces we can clean with Germicide:
- All frequently touched common surfaces such as light switches, door knobs, pens.
- All common areas such as table tops, countertops, glass partitions, and more.
- Bathroom areas.
- Cooking areas.
- Certain types of electronics, touch pads, and screens.
We've come up with ANOTHER way to help keep your business tip-top. This full color, printable flyer is YOURS! FREE! Just download it and print it off. Then, post it for your employees and customers to see. Help keep YOUR business facility safe and healthy.